How to choose a frame
Booking an eye exam is the easy part, you have a time, date and location to get to but what happens when your prescription changes and you need new glasses? If you’ve never had glasses, the prospect of having to choose frames can be daunting. There are several questions you may ask yourself: What’s the latest fashion, what colour looks good on me, how do I know which shape to get? We don’t claim to have the answer to ALL these questions but we can help you with some tips on how to choose your new pair of frames.
Just like the rest of your body, the shape of your face will have its own unique qualities and because of that there are many options for different faces.
Balance is key, for a round shape face, we would recommend an angular frame such as cat eye frames. These will add enhanced edges to your face. Rectangular frames are also a good choice as the distinct wideness of the frame will make your face seem longer and slimmer.
Curved styles often go hand in hand with a square face such as oval frames! The jawline will be the strongest feature in a square face so a nice frame that sits high on your nose will fit nicely.
Triangle or Diamond
If you have a triangular or diamond shaped face, cat eye frames or frames that are widest at the top work best to accentuate all of your features. Rimless glasses are a good option since they will soften the cheekbone and highlight your eyeline.
Last but not least, our heart shaped face population! Heart shaped or upside-down triangle shaped faces are wider in the forehead and narrow chins, therefore the goal is to minimize the wideness of the forehead and broaden the chin. Many styles will fit but we recommend a bottom-heavy frame that is obviously defined to make the lower half of your face seem wider. If you wish, you could also go for some low set temple glasses that will draw the attention the attention downward and set a good balance.
You’ve read through this and now hopefully you have an idea of what frames you would like to buy. Keep in mind that this is just a guideline for frame picking and that you are not obligated to pick these types of frames. The best way to see what frame suits you is to come in and try some on!